The People’s Transition in Mountbellew, County Galway

About the project

Beginning in October 2022, the intention of the project was to listen to, and learn from, the community’s needs and abilities in Mountbellew and then attempt to design a number of solutions that would benefit the community.

What we heard:

  • Poor internet connectivity is impacting local businesses.

  • There is a lack of tourist accommodation to support sustainable tourism in the community.

  • More support is needed to move away from fossil fuels such as turf.

Proposed Climate Solutions:


Project Location:

Mountbellew People’s Transition Visual Map

Annemarie Cunningham, Smart Villages Mountbellew Chairperson and Mountbellew People’s Transition participant, 2023

“Mountbellew, Co. Galway, is a locality of just over 2000 people. It is proud of its natural, educational and economic history. Yet, as a community, we are befuddled as to how to develop the locality in a sustainable and inclusive manner. Enter the People’s Transition!  The Mountbellew project is supported by Galway Rural Development and Mountbellew Smart Villages (Marilyn Fleming). The effort launched in November 2022 and wraps up in August 2023. The value of each project phase, (Mapping, Listening, Solutions) is clear and understood within our community. We are eager for the public event in August which delivers the project report. Interactions including focus groups, meetings, online and hard copy surveys have touched a large variety of groups and individuals. It is TASC's expertise and encouragement that is resulting in this deep level of engagement.”

“This builds community confidence in the economically-just and climate-sustainable solutions coming our way. By combining the mapping phase & listening phase outputs The People’s Transition Project is delivering a joined-up, relevant overview of the Mountbellew locality.  This report will deliver an indirect, yet exponentially beneficial output for our locality. Mountbellew Smart Villages will distribute the report to the local community groups as a jumping-off point for developing a shared understanding of our locality, its strengths and opportunities. It will also contribute to the upcoming Town Planning effort. Having such valuable information, provided by a trusted party, sets the stage for community engagement beyond the project’s original scope.” 


The People's Transition - Enniscorthy


The People's Transition - Roscommon farmers